


Tara kemp

Tara Kemp, PhD, is a mental health coach & researcher, and a fierce inner work advocate.

She founded Reconnect Collective to build community around healing our relationship with food, with our bodies, and ultimately with ourselves.

Reconnect Collective shares education, resources, and guidance for inner work so that you can heal, grow, and thrive.

Tara is personally invested in this mission because she knows both sides of the struggle. She’s been through the ups and downs of disordered eating and mental health challenges, and found a path of recovery that led her to the deeply rich and fulfilling life she lives today.

She’s here to lead the way for you to overcome your challenges and step into your fullest and brightest self.

“There was a time when I spent much of the day in my head: feeling anxious about food, battling OCD, struggling with anxiety or depression, and stressing about what other people thought of me.

I had a high vision for myself but I couldn’t figure out how to let go of what was holding me back and embody the life of intention, authenticity, and inner peace that I was seeking.

I wanted to live a healthy lifestyle and feel good about what I was eating. I wanted to feel at peace in my body and more importantly in myself as a person in general. I wanted to influence the world in a positive way. I wanted to live in alignment with my values and make intentional choices…

I knew these were positive attributes, but I didn’t know how to hold on to the values while freeing myself from the stress and perfectionism that seemed to come along with them.

I went on a journey of figuring out the root causes of food and body fears, and how to overcome them and cultivate peace of mind. I not only was able to accomplish this freedom, but I also learned skills and tools to navigate life’s challenges and be resilient in the face of any struggle.

I befriended food and my body, and learned how to become my own sanctuary.

I broke free from my limiting beliefs and began showing up as my best self.

I found the magic and beauty of the world again, and built my dream life.

And today, I help other women to do the same.

After years of guiding private clients and pursuing a PhD to study these exact issues, I founded Reconnect Collective to cultivate a growth-seeking and supportive community where you can find the knowledge, tools, and methodology that have proven to be most effective in facilitating long-term recovery and well-being.”

Welcome to The Collective.

You are loved here. You are celebrated here. You belong here.